Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Home Owners

Our flight home was exhausting.  We took a Red Eye out of Sacramento, and when you are 20 some weeks pregnant, it is hard to sleep on an overnight flight.  Our flight was delayed in CA (we were on the plane for an extra 2 hours before it took off), and when we got to Charlotte I thought that we had automatically been rebooked for a flight to Raleigh, but it turns out we were just on stand-by.  I was about in tears when I found out we would have to wait another 4 hours for a flight home...Travis could have met us in Charlotte when our plane landed had I known!  I called the airline directly and got us the last 3 seats on an earlier flight and we were back in Raleigh hours sooner than we would have been.  When I got home I went directly to sleep until Travis gently informed me that it was "dress like a cow day" at Chick-fil-a.  I bolted awake, dressed like a cow, ate some free food, and then went home and was unconscious for the next 12 hours.  

The next day is when we officially became first time home buyers!!  It was surreal, I kept expecting things to go wrong, but everything worked out perfectly.  We started moving in that day, and by the weekend we were unpacking boxes and the pantry was organized.  We were truly blessed to find a house that fit so many of our needs and wants.  It has been a new life for the kids being able to play outside (our rental house had no yard to speak of and the street was too busy to ride bikes on).  We had quite a busy summer!


Brave Brooke said...

I've loved reading all your blog updates. Your trip looked amazing and I think you are Wonder Woman for doing it pregnant! Im totally jealous of you guys getting to see the JAndersons. I'm so excited for your new house and that you're loving it! Miss you guys!!