Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Kiss

4 years ago from yesterday, October 6th 2004, was the first time that Travis kissed me. We met one of the first weeks of the fall semester at country dancing on a Wednesday night (BYU-I has country dancing every Wednesday night). Travis asked me to dance and I was really flattered that he would ask me because he was so cute. He was a good dancer to. A few songs later I noticed that he was standing alone so I asked him to dance again because I thought it was a waste for someone that could dance as well as him, and was as cute as him to sit out for a dance. After that night, we kept seeing each other every where. I really liked Travis right off, and I told myself that even if he didn't want to date me he would be a really good friend at least. So we went on a few dates, and I wasn't sure how Travis felt about me. Randy Travis was coming to BYU-Idaho for a concert and I asked Travis to go with me. I didn't even know who Randy Travis was but I thought it was a good excuse to ask Travis out. We had a great time at the concert and it turned out that I did know a few of Randy's songs. 3 Wooden Crosses had always been one of my favorite country songs, but since I was a fairly recent convert to country I didn't know who sang it. So after the concert we went to Travis's house and we watched Top Gun. That was the first time I ever saw the movie. Travis put his arm around me and of course I was really excited about that. After the movie, he drove me home and walked me to my door. He hugged me and said that he had a good time and then he kissed me. I totally wasn't expecting it, but I was glad that he did. It was the perfect first kiss. When I walked into my apartment one of my roommates was sitting in the front room and she saw that I was smiling really big and she said "he kissed you didn't he?" If Travis had asked me to marry him that night I probably would have said yes. I was so head-over-heels in love with him already! He had all of the traits that I wanted in a husband and then some. The more I got to know him the more I loved him. He is devoted to the church, he loves me unconditionally, he is such a hard worker, he is extrememly self-motivated, he supports and encourages me in everything that I want to do, he is a great Papa to Audrey, he is my best friend, he strengthens our family, he is so much more than I deserve. I love him more and more every day. And that is the start of our continuing love story.


Tatum said...

That is such a sweet story! You two are absolutely perfect for each other and you can tell! I miss hanging out with you!!! It is almost hot tub season...!

Travis Andrew said...

I love you sweety.

The Heaton's said...

cute story, yahoo for BYU-idaho's country night!

i snooped off my sisters blog, amy price, and saw your guys' blog! it was fun to read over and get the andrew update! now you need to convince heather, jason, and janae to start one too!

stephanie (cole) heaton (travis' cousin)