Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Audrey's First Day of Second Grade

Audrey had kind of hit a rough spot in the teacher department.  Her preschool teachers were so good that she constantly compared all of her teachers to them.  Her first kindergarten teacher was a yeller, her second kindergarten teacher was a huge improvement, but not necessarily warm.  Her first first grade teacher was a good fit for Audrey (although she seemed "over" the whole teaching thing), but then she moved away and her second first grade teacher was fine, but lacked the warmth that Audrey wanted so much.  We met Audrey's second grade teacher two weeks ago.  Jackpot.  She was a sweet, southern lady, who was practically dripping with sugar.  I was SO relieved.  Audrey was still apprehensive.  We got back from our weekend vacation at about 11pm the night before her first day of second grade (remember, we are year round so there is one week summer break).  We all slept in that morning, Audrey did not have time to eat breakfast (taking 20 minutes to pick out a shirt may have had something to do with that), and she was LATE (yeah...mother of the year award right here!).  This was the best "smile" she could muster before school.

I made a point of getting in the carpool line earlier than usual, I felt really bad about her morning.  When Audrey got in the car, she was BEAMING!  I asked her how her day was and she said "AWESOME"!!  She absolutely LOVES her teacher (just like I knew she would), and she said "My teacher talks a little bit "laike theis"" (southern accent), I told her that was a good sign!  

I told Audrey that we needed to take another picture when she got home.  This time her smile was existent, and REAL!  I am really excited to be off to such a good start!!


Kory said...

Wow! Glad she's finally got a good teacher. Makes such a difference!