Friday, April 15, 2011

Trav's 30th Birthday!!

I have been really busy lately... you may have noticed the serious lack in postings (part of that is that I was without the internet for an entire week. I told Trav, cable is optional, the internet it NOT!). This week Trav turned 30!!! That is a pretty big deal as far as I am concerned, so I started planning his surprise party about a year ago. I almost spilled the beans about 10 times per day, that right, I said DAY. It was hard. Trav had no idea, and thanks to his good friends Allen and Jake, he was occupied all day Saturday so that I could get things ready. By some miracle (aka friends helping me finish the last minute details) everything came together. It was LOST themed because that is our favorite show (a moment of silence to honor it please............thank you), and Trav LOVES Hawaii.

It was a costume party and these two definately brought it. I present to you Claire and Hurley! (I dressed up as Rousseau, no pictures to document it, Trav said I didn't look like her and I think he meant that in a nice way).
In case you are wondering how to recreate Hurley's sweat spots, the secret is PAM (or so I hear).
It took Travis about 10 minutes into the party to realize what is was. Yeah, pretty sure he had NO idea what I had planned for him. We had a great time with close friends. Special shout out to the Willifords for helping me out so much! Happy 30th babe!!


Wii are the Nelsons said...

How fun and cool theme!

Kory said...

it was an awesome party!!! you did a fantastic job!

Travis Andrew said...

I'm the luckiest guy in the world! Thanks for the party Rachel! Love ya!

Sarah Newsom said...

You are soo cool! Thats the coolest themed party ever. I also love lost and got so exited when I saw the labels on the bottles.Everything looked great. You are the best party planner :)