...would just sleep when they are tired and be happy when they are awake the world would have more babies being born, and definitely less (if any) cases of shaken baby syndrome. (yes, he does look like he has a uni-brow, but that I promise he doesn't!)
2 months ago Phoenix was a good baby, he would go to sleep when he was tired (for the most part) and all we had to do was swaddle him, and give him his binky. Then things changed. He fights going to sleep with all the strength he can muster up, he has to be rocked to sleep. When I say "rocked" I mean me or Travis has to hold him in our arms, walk around his room, bounce lightly up and down, and swing him in our arms from one side to the other all while patting his back until he falls asleep. He used to put himself to sleep for the most part, now we have to do all the work for him. He needs too many naps for what I can physically handle. I have always had back problems but now my back is in the worst shape (aka pain) of my life. He can stay awake for about 45 minutes and then he is so fussy that we can't do anything else with him except put him down to sleep. Yes, we have tried letting him cry it out (I do that about once a day), and yes we give him pain reliever and orajel. I wish he would either sleep when he is tired, or be tired less often. I feel like we can't bring him out anywhere, and I don't feel comfortable leaving him with a sitter because he might be too fussy. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know...
The good news is that Audrey is extremely fun and enjoyable to be around and she does her best to help out (she is always asking me if my back hurts and if I say yes she will insist on giving me a back rub). And Phoenix (as of 2 days ago) finally understands the concept of eating baby food. Instead of trying to shove the spoon in his mouth and then put the bottle in really fast so that he is more or less tricked into swallowing the food, he opens his mouth on his own and seems to enjoy eating it. Yay!
that stinks that phoenix isn't as good as he used to be. i can't believe he's old enough to eat baby food!!! and that picture of him is wicked cute.
that picture is wicked cute!!! haha are audreys back rubs any good?? thats so nice of her :)
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