Audrey woke up in a grumpy mood today. Me and Travis were counting down the minutes until her nap. So we put her down at her normal time, and about half an hour later we started hearing noises from her room. We ignored them in the hopes that she would go back to sleep on her own. After another half hour Travis went up to try to put Audrey back down. When he went up there he called down to me "Rachel, you have to come see this"...
Audrey climbed out of her crib, and she took all of her toys out and all of her clothes out of her dresser. When we came in she was jumping in her crib with a big smile on her face.
Then she climbed back into her crib, and took off her pants and diaper.
haha i love it! i was laughing soo hard!! that's soo funny, i love the sequence of pics
Those are some super funny pictures! I love how she got back in the crib and then peed! Is she related to Peyton! I'm kind of relieved to know I'm not the only one that has a naughty little girl. :)
pretty funny....babies are so smart sometimes...not always fun for the parents though
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